Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Couponing FAQ

Here are some common questions about coupons:

How many coupons can I use for an item?
Only one manufacturer coupon per item, even if they are different coupons. Now, if a store offers coupons such as Target, you can use a Target coupon AND a manufacturer coupon on one item, as long as it does not bring the item total lower than zero.

How can I tell if it is a manufacturers coupon or a store issued coupon?
If you look on the top of your coupon, you will see a box split into two parts. One is the expiration and the other is the type of coupon. It will say either the store's name or manufacturers coupon.

Double coupons, what does that mean?

Double coupons means the value on the coupon will double at certain stores. Check with your local store to see if they double coupons. Stores in AZ that double are:

  • Bashas
  • Frys
  • Safeway

Some stores will do triple coupon promotions, usually around the holidays. Some coupons state do not double, you take the chance of it doubling because sometimes it does double through the computer, sometimes not. You can tell if it will double by seeing if it states do not double, or looking at the coupon number. If it starts with a 5, it will usually double.

Where do I get coupons for the grocery store?
Usually the coupons come in your local Sunday Paper.

If I have multiple coupons, can I still buy multiple items?
Usually stores put a limit on three like coupons per transaction, after that the coupon comes off at face value. If a store does not double coupons, there is no limit. However, check with your store for their coupon policy.

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